Cellmedi: Pioneering the Future of Health and Regeneration
Cellmedi is a globally recognized high-tech enterprise at the forefront of cell therapy and regenerative medicine. With cutting-edge innovation and patient-centered care, the company operates two major subsidiaries: Shanxi Cell Therapy Technology Group and Shanxi Cell Resource Bank, headquartered within Shanxi Ren’an Hospital.

At Cellmedi, we specialize in the processing and storage of human cells, as well as the development and application of regenerative medicine. Our mission is to redefine healthcare by providing advanced solutions for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of complex diseases, including:
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Diabetes
- Bone and joint disorders
- Autoimmune diseases
- Blood disorders and cancers

World-Class Leadership and Groundbreaking Collaborations
Cellmedi’s success is driven by a team of internationally acclaimed scientists, including Dr. Huidong Jia, Director of the Regenerative Medicine Research Center and former Senior Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, and Dr. Yuan Jia, a leading expert in the field.
In collaboration with the National Center for Human Genome Research (Northern China), we’ve proudly established China’s first clinical-grade joint workstation—a groundbreaking achievement in the biomedical industry. This innovative platform unites Nobel laureates, academicians, and clinical experts, creating a powerhouse of knowledge and expertise.
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