Universal Medical Travel is a proud partner of GACHON UNIVERSITY GIL MEDICAL CENTER located in South Korea. 

The services that we provide to facilitate your medical tourism process are free of charge. There are no additional fees added to the cost of your medical procedure for our services. 


One of our main objectives is to make sure you receive the highest level of healthcare services at an affordable cost. We plan, coordinate, and manage every step of your medical tourism trip to ensure a successful outcome, and a happy patient!

Go to www.UniversalMedicalTravel.com to find out more information about the healthcare facilities and destinations that are available. Please submit a contact form if you would like to receive a Free Phone Call or a Free Quote for any Medical or Dental procedure in the destination of your choice!

Gachon University Gil Medical Center

Hospital Building Surroundings
hospital buildings

Medical Equipment

Cancer and Cerebrocardiovascular Center

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Cardiology center and Thyroid cancer center

Urology and Oncology

Gastroenterology and Colorectal Clinic

Breast Cancer Clinic and Orthopedics

Lung Center and General Surgery

Obstetrics & Gynecology Otorhinolaryngology

Estimated Cost of Different Types of Cancer

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Estimated Costs of Cancer Surgeries

Estimated Costs of Cancer Surgeries

Estimated cost of Cancer

Average Price Estimation List (most commonly done surgeries)
ConditionSurgery/Procedure nameEstimation including hospital admission
(basic 4-person room) and surgery
US dollar conversion
($1 = 1,300KRW)
Average period of
hospital stay
ObesitySleeve gastrectomy of stomach₩24,000,000$18,4621 week
Brain tumorBrain tumor surgery
(involving craniotomy)
₩45,000,000$34,6153~4 weeks
Cerebral infarction (brain vessel)Digital Subtraction Angiography₩5,000,000$3,8461~2days
Brain Aneurysm, uprupturedCoil embolization₩30,000,000$23,0774 days
Sinusitis (nose), nasal obstruction, sleep apnea etc.Surgery for deviated nasal septum₩8,000,000$6,1544~5 days
Cataract (eye)Capsulotomy + artificial lense insertion (Eyhance)₩4,500,000$3,462Day surgery
Retinal Detachmentvirectomy, lens insertion, cataract surgery₩10,000,000$7,6923 days
(simple case, one side)
Recession of eye muscles₩4,500,000$3,4623 days
(complicated case, one side)
Recession of eye muscles₩8,500,000$6,5384 days
Thyroid gland cancerThyroidectomy₩13,000,000$10,0005 days
AnginaCoronary Angiography + 1 stent insertion + balloon angioplasty₩17,000,000$13,0772~3 days
Coronary Angiography only₩4,500,000$3,4621 day
Heart vessel disease (stenosis, atheroscelrosis etc)Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)₩70,000,000$53,846about 2~3 weeks
Stomach cancerTotal gastrectomy (Cancer)₩25,000,000$19,23120~30 days
gastrectomy + lymph node removal + splenectomy₩35,000,000$26,92320~30 days
Colon cancer(partial) colectomy₩24,000,000$18,46212~15 days
Liver cancerPartial hepatectomy₩27,000,000$20,7691 week
Liver embolization procedure₩9,000,000$6,9233~4 days
Kidney cancerNephrectomy₩18,000,000$13,8461 week
Kidney stoneESWL
(Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy)
₩1,500,000$1,154multiple sessions needed
(This price is per session)
Kidney stone, ureter stoneHolmuim laser ureteroscopic lithotripsy₩9,000,000$6,9233 days
Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS), D-J stent insertion₩13,000,000$10,0003 days
Gallbladder stoneCholecystectomy (laparoscopic)₩13,000,000$10,0004 days
Uterine cyst or myomaHysterectomy, simple (laparoscopic)₩10,000,000$7,6927~10 days
Myomectomy (laparoscopic or open)₩15,000,000$11,5383~4 days
Uterus cervical cancerHysterectomy, complicated, open belly, removal of problem areas too₩27,000,000$20,7696~9 days
Hysterectomy, (laparoscopic)₩15,000,000$11,5383~4 days
Ovarian cancerSurgery for removal of ovary and problem area (ovarian cancer usually found at late stage).
Estimation include not only ovary but also metastasized areas too
₩34,000,000$26,1547~14 days
Shoulder problemRotator cuff repair₩15,000,000$11,5387 days
Hip joint problemTotal Hip Replacement₩25,000,000$19,23130 days
Knee joint problemACL reconstruction₩15,000,000$11,5384 days
Lumbar disc diseaseLumbar PEN procedure
(percutaneous epidural neuroplasty)
₩4,000,000$3,0772 days
Lumbar disc fusion (1 level)₩22,000,000$16,9233~4 days
Lumbar disc discectomy₩15,000,000$11,5384~5 days
Prostate cancerTURP(hyperplasia)₩8,000,000$6,1546~7 days
HOLEP surgery (hyperplasia)₩10,000,000$7,6924~5 days
surgery (cancer)₩22,000,000$16,9234~5 days
Bladder cancerTUR-BT (Trans Uretheral Resection of Bladder Tumor)₩8,000,000$6,1543~5 days
Iodine therapy for thyroid conditionwith medication, stay in isolation room₩5,500,000$4,2314 days
Breast MammotomeMammotome biopsy₩5,500,000$4,2312~3 days
Breast cancerMastectomy, partial₩18,000,000$13,8467 days
Total mastectomy (lymph node removal) + breast reconstruction₩33,000,000$25,38510 days
Lung tumor, cancerLobectomy (using Thorascopy)₩14,000,000$10,7694 days
Lobectomy (open heart)₩27,000,000$20,769about 2 weeks
Stereotactic radiosurgery (radiation treatment)using Novalis Txcase by casecase by casecase by case
Various cancerRadiation treatment over multipe sessions, using Novalis Tx. Price per session₩1,200,000$923case by case
Chemotherapy per 1 sessionminimum 1,500,000 or more$1,154case by case

Please submit a contact form if you would like to receive a free quote for any medical procedure or a free phone call so you can speak with a patient care coordinator who will plan, coordinate, and manage every step of your medical tourism trip from beginning to end.

The services that we provide to facilitate your medical tourism process are free of charge. There are no additional fees added to the cost of your medical procedure for our services. Our main objectives are to make sure you receive the highest level of healthcare services at an affordable cost, and to ensure a successful outcome and a happy patient!

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