Please complete and submit a Patient Information Form to authorize our agency to forward your protected health information to the healthcare provider of your choice. Patient Name *Date of Birth *Where do you live? *Gender *MaleFemaleIntersexEmail Address *Phone Number *HeightWeightLanguage *Please list any current medications0 / 180Do you drink alcohol or smoke tobacco? *Yes or NoYesNoList any current medical problems & allergies0 / 180List any past surgeries0 / 180Do you have health insurance? If yes, NameWhat type of Medical Procedure are you interested in? (Please provide specific details so we can forward your request to the proper healthcare provider.) *Upload Medical RecordDrag and Drop (or) Choose Filesplease provide recent medical record or examinationWhat is the destination of your choice for your Medical Procedure? *What is your preferred date of travel? *By submitting this form, I authorize Universal Medical Travel to share my protected health information with partnered hospitals, clinics, and healthcare providers for medical treatment or consultation. I can revoke this consent anytime by notifying Universal Medical Travel via email or in writing, without affecting prior actions. This consent remains valid until I revoke it. By checking the box, I confirm I have read and agree to these terms.I Agree with the terms and Conditions *AgreedSubmit Information